
Posts Tagged ‘zoomii’


Chris Thiessen developed Zoomii full time over the course of almost 1.5 years since December 2006.

If you know how to look for books in a bookstore then you basically know how to use Zoomii. Big Grin

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image For book lover, have you ever love the experience and thrill of casually skimming over wide range of books on the bookshelf at a glance hoping for something interesting to spontaneously catch your attention ?  If you do, you might have thought that such experience could only be found in real bookstore but not anymore since image (www.zoomii.com), a fantastic service whose mission is to bring back that kind of ‘fun’ experience on the web, has been available publicly since 16 June 2008. Simply imagine all the books in a bookstore is directly layout on a screen and available for pick and purchase, and that is exactly what the underlying concept of Zoomii is all about. Zoomii also draw its inspiration from Google Map with its all familiar navigation control for panning and zooming. Indeed, the user interface of Zoomii can be perceived as Google Map for Amazon Books. As its name implies, the concept of zooming in and out of the bookstore is the cornerstone of the service, which akin to the same physical experience of walking from one bookshelf to another to check up the book.

Given the advantage of using the lightning-fast online search that return the book information efficiently with a blink of eyes, why will one still bother to browse books in a tedious physical way ? For many, it turns out that the thrill and joy of discovering new and related book in a physical bookstore is not something a computing experience can easily replace. Many still prefer the challenge and curiosity to discover something in a raw way within a familiar and conducive physical environment that piques them further. In addition, the relaxed ambience and the environment are what make going to a bookstore fun and enjoyable.


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